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Give back to the sport, our association and your fellow kayak anglers

Running the Minnesota Kayak Fishing Association involves hours of volunteer time. Our Board of Directors and MNKFA Volunteer Team take care of all things to make this website, events, tournaments and more happen. We need help doing all these things. If you’re willing to help, please complete the form below. We will add your name to the list of alternate volunteers on the Board of Directors page. Thank you!

Interested in being on the MNKFA Board of Directors?

Listed below are the Board of Directors positions and the tasks that is required from each board position. If you are interested in a board position, understand the tasks and positions below. Then complete the form that follows. There are no open board positions now. But you will be added to a list and be notified of upcoming elections or vacancies.

President / Treasurer

It shall be the duty of the President:
a. To preside at meetings and conduct them in accordance with accepted rules of order.
b. To schedule and preside over meetings of the Board of Directors.
c. To fill temporary board vacancies subject to approval by other board members and active volunteers as currently listed on the MNKFA website.
d. To appoint various committees as necessary.
e. To deposit the funds of the Association, in the name of the Association, in a depository or depositories approved by the Board Of Directors as stated in Section 6 of this document.
f. To collect all monies due, have charge of the funds of the Association, and to keep a correct record of  account of all monies received and paid out as well as current monetary balances held by the Association.
g. To record and track all non-monetary physical goods received and dispersed by the Association that have been obtained via purchases using Association funds or via Sponsor donations.
h. To present a written annual financial statement for the prior calendar year at the first Regular Meeting of the year.

Vice President /Sponsorship Director

It shall be the duty of the Vice President / Sponsorship Director:
a. To be responsible for a program at Regular Meetings.
b. To assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties.
c. To preside in the absence of the President.
d. To ensure the documents of incorporation of the Association are kept current.
e. Solicit sponsors for funds and products to be used to promote the advancement of the Association and kayak fishing recognition in our area

Secretary / Tournament Director

It shall be the duty of the Secretary / Tournament Director:
a. To keep a log of proceedings of the Association Meetings.
b. To maintain custody of all reports and documents connected with the Club.
c. To keep a current and correct membership roster.
d. To conduct the Association correspondence.
e. Organize tournaments, events, permits, facilities and volunteers.

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