We hold three different types of kayak fishing tournaments each year. The goal is to have FUN and make it so as many people as possible can conveniently participate. The list below is the terms we use to describe each type of kayak fishing tournament. This article will explain and help you understand each type of tournament so you can decide if you have any interest in tournament fishing. A kayak fishing event is usually not a tournament, but a gathering of kayak anglers to fish for a day or a few days.
- Destination Kayak Fishing Tournaments
- Online Kayak Fishing Tournaments
- Hybrid Online / Destination Kayak Fishing Tournaments
- Kayak Fishing Event
Destination Kayak Fishing Tournaments
Everyone fishing these tournaments fishes the same day(s) specified and the same waters. Key features are that everyone is fishing the same conditions at the same time. People will arrive early at these tournaments to pre-fish the waters and get on a pattern of the fish bite. For MNKFA, these tournaments have larger entry fees and payouts. Depending on where you live, there could be significant travel time and lodging costs associated.
Online Kayak Fishing Tournaments
Fish where you want and when you want (within listed rules). Our tournaments usually specify you fish in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota or Iowa. The length of days of the tournaments vary. For example, we usually will have an online tournament that starts the weekend of the Minnesota opener and runs until the following Sunday at midnight. This tournament is usually for your two biggest Walleye or Northern Pike. You fish and submit fish via an online scoring app, you can “cull” or replace a smaller fish with a bigger fish at any time during the tournament.
Hybrid Online /Destination Kayak Fishing Tournaments
The best of both worlds! For a few tournaments you fish an online tournament for a specified number of days to achieve an online score. At the end of online fishing, you have a final score for part 1. Then we will hold a destination tournament where all participates fish the same dat(s) and water(s). That gives you a score for part 2. We add your scores from part 1 and 2 to determine your final score.
Kayak Fishing Events
These are usually just gatherings of members getting together to fish the same time and the same waters. I mention them because not everyone is interested in kayak fishing tournaments with paid entry fees. Some of the most fun and biggest fish come from these events. Make sure you are in our Facebook Group and you’ll see people post dates, times and locations where they will be fishing. Don’t be shy, join in. It’s a great way to learn new waters and improve your fishing game. Here’s a link to join our Facebook Group, be sure to answer all the questions. Join MNKFA Facebook Group.

How Is Scoring Done For Kayak Fishing Tournaments?
Our tournament are CPR (catch, photo, release). Unlike power boat tournaments where you put fish in a live well, then go to a weigh-in with your best fish, we use online scoring apps. See pic of bass on measuring board for a visual explanation of the following.
1. Everyone uses the same identifier
2. Standardized measuring boards while out fishing. We all use a controlled set of measuring rules.
3. You catch a fish, place on your measuring board according to the rules and
4. have part of your kayak showing. You use your phone to take a pic, like the sample pic shown and submit it to the online scoring app. The scores are updated in real time. It’s fun to watch and be part of. The online scoring app is pretty simple to use. We use Tourney X, one of the first kayak fishing tournament scoring apps available.
Have Questions About Our Kayak Fishing Tournaments?
If you’re in our Facebook Group, you can post a question there or message an admin. You can also use the contact form below to send an email to the MNKFA board of directors. We’ll respond as soon as possible. We have nice awards and cash payouts for top finishers in our tournaments. We try to make it so everyone goes home with something for destination tournaments. These are fun, AMATEUR, fishing tournaments. The goal is to have fun competing, learn about kayak fishing and get to know more people to enjoy the sport with.