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Cash And Dash Kayak Fishing Tournaments


CASH & DASH Kayak Fishing Tournaments

WHAT: Grass roots, only pedal and paddle allowed, NO MOTORS! Low cost, casual kayak fishing tournaments. Limited to 25 or less entrants. $25 entry fee. Mainly for Twin Cities area members, but all are invited. If you’re outstate and want to hold one in your area, contact Ron. These won’t suck up your whole weekend and suck a ton of money out of your wallet driving miles and miles to compete! They will be announced via the MNKFA Facebook and MNKFA email.
Tournaments will be on select Saturdays or Sundays, sign up by 5 pm the night before the tournament if all the spots aren’t taken.
WHERE: These will be held on lakes within an hour of the Twin Cities or locally outstate if you want to host one. Everyone fishes the same lake, the same time.

  • Bring your entry cash to the lake
  • The identifier will be released at 6 pm the night before the tournament or handed out at the lake
  • Your score total is 3 fish, culled. Species will be specific to each date.
  • Fishing begins at 6:30 am and ends at 11:30 am. End time can vary.
  • Bring a chair, we’ll meet after fishing and shoot the shit and get some pics
  • Winners shall receive their winnings via the cash entrants bring to the lake
Kayak Bass Fishing

🙂 Don’t take yourself too seriously…because no one else does!

Compete hard…but have fun, it’s just fishing! All our established rules on pic submission and acceptable measuring boards will be applied and enforced strictly. If you get a fish disqualified, it’s not a big deal. Learn what was incorrect about your submission and go catch some more. Getting everyone following the same rules during all our paid and free events makes it fair and equal.

Payouts based on the number of entrants

Number of winners will depend on the number of entrants.

East & West Rush, Rush City, Minnesota
Date TBD, 2025

Launch at any of the public launches or if you like, or pay to launch at Flickabirds Resort. After fishing, we’ll all meet at Flickabirds Resort and we’ll score fish caught and shoot the shit.

  • Entry fee will be $25
  • Limited to 25 entrants
  • Identifier will be posted at 6:00 pm the night before fishing
  • Fishing will be from 6:30am to 11:30pm
  • Fishing boundaries are East & West Rush Lake
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