The entrant who submits the BIGGEST BASS at this tournament wins $150. No extra fees, just extra love and cash from Old Town. Must be present at the after fishing gathering to win.
Approved launch sites are shown in the image below. You will need to pay any launch fees or parking fees. These may apply at Dennis Frandsen Park and Flickabirds.
The pink line is the fishing border, any submissions geo marked outside this area will be disqualified.

***These rules and schedule may change as needed by the MNKFA board***
Date: Saturday, July 15, 2023
Number of entrants: 75
Location: East and West Rush Lake, MN
Entry Fee: $75
Format: 5 best smallmouth or largemouth bass
After fishing awards party: Flickabirds
Flickabirds Resort
50091 Clover Trail
Rush City, MN 55069
***These details, rules and schedule can change if necessary***
Schedule for event
Saturday, July 15, 2023, at 5:30 am to 6:30am: Get your kayak launched and ready. Stay within 200 yards of the launch. ABSOLUTELY NO LINES IN THE WATER, YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED!
Saturday, July 15, 2023, at 6:30 am: We will have preprinted identifiers at the East Rush Lake launch, see Charles Bessel. If you have preprinted a blank identifier, at 6:30 am the identifier code that you will hand-write on your identifier tag will be posted in the Facebook group and on this page. Start fishing and submitting your catches.
Saturday, July 15, 2023, at 1:30 pm: Tourney X will stop taking submissions. No whining or complaining about connectivity or any other issues. Submit your fish as you catch them. No submissions will be counted after 1:30 pm!
Saturday, July 15, 2023, ASAP after 1:30 pm: Awards ceremony and gathering at: TBD, probably Flickabirds.
Chat about the day on the water and pick up your award. See you there!
Minnesota Kayak Fishing Association Rules (Rules are subject to change)
*Interpretation of these rules will be left exclusively to tournament officials whose decisions are final. We (MNKFA) reserve the right to change or add rules to ensure the competition is fair and equal to all participants and sponsors. Rules may change prior to event start.
1. Registration: Registration for Kayak Fishing Tournaments will be announced no less than a week prior to opening on the MNKFA Facebook page and MNKFA website. Early bird access to registration may be sent to MNKFA Email Insiders as a reward for opting into email. Registration is open to anyone 18 years of age or above and a valid member of MNKFA. You MUST be 18 to register for a tournament. Minors are allowed but MUST meet requirements, call for details. (See cancellation policies for cancellations.)
2. Requirements: MNKFA tournaments are strictly catch and release. A Tournament control image will be supplied prior to the event (Online tournaments will be sent out beforehand). The control image must be in the photo with your catch. Your photo must include a fish measuring device like a Hawg Trough, Ketch or similar tournament-approved measuring device (see measuring requirements). The ruler marks must be easily legible in your photo submission. The Control image must appear in each photo submitted. Failure to include this will disqualify your entry. All submissions MUST conform to current measuring rules for MNKFA on this page: Fish measuring / pic submission rules
3. Scoring: You can upgrade your smallest fish submitted with a larger one at any time during tournament fishing hours. All fish may have open or closed mouth. Scoring will be done by the tournament director. Entries will be submitted via Tourney X. ALL fish submitted MUST meet fish measuring requirements.
Tie breaker rules
First (1). Longest judge approved fish on the your score board for the tournament in question is the winner.
Second (2). If number 1 is still a tie, then the time your longest, judge approved fish is submitted to the judge, earlier time is winner. NOT the time the fish was photographed or added to your live well on Tourney X. The time it shows as submitted to the leader board.
Third (3). If number 1 and 2 are still a tie, then the total length of ALL judge approved fish for the tournament in question will determine the winner.
4. Start and Finish Times: Tournament fishing times that are provided by MNKFA are subject to change by the MNKFA board. Your photos must be submitted to Tourney X by the submission deadline.
5. Event Details: All participants MUST be present at the awards ceremony after the end time of the tournament or they forfeit any winnings. We will NOT mail, email or message any awards. You must be at the post fishing gathering to collect any awards or giveaways. Please be courteous and get to the awards ASAP after fishing, don’t make people wait and extended period of time.
6. Catch: All fish must be taken with a fishing rod, line and artificial lures on the day of the tournament during tournament fishing hours. You must remain in full compliance of the law in the state which you are fishing. Participants must fish from a human-powered kayak or SUP (stand up paddleboard), NO OTHER BOAT TYPES ARE ALLOWED. Only ONE person may be in the kayak/SUP. No gas or electric motors are allowed (unless its an online event, all live events are human powered only!) Absolutely no other method will be permitted. All vessels must be classified as a kayak/SUP from the manufacturer.
7. Safety: We strongly suggest that a PFD be worn and have an audible signaling device. Kayakers must be in accordance with state regulations. Safe Kayaking conduct must be observed at all times. NO alcohol or controlled substance can be used or allowed in the kayak during tournament hours.
8. Sportsmanship: Sportsmanship, courtesy, safety and conservation are expected from each angler. Any infraction of these fundamental sporting principles may be cause for disqualification. All participants must follow the DNR regulations in effect on the waters they are fishing.
9. Fishing Boundaries: You MUST fish and launch ONLY from the listed lakes and ramps provided by MNKFA. You MUST be back to tournament headquarters by the time frame set by MNKFA. Failure to do so will result in your disqualification from the tournament.
10. Weather: Anglers are to exercise their own best judgment for safety when considering whether to fish or not. The launch may be delayed or cancelled due to unsafe conditions as determined by the tournament director.
11. Cheating Inquiries: YOU MUST SUBMIT WRITTEN NOTICE OF ANY CHEATING WITHIN 8 HOURS OF THE CLOSE OF LISTED TOURNAMENT FISHING TO A BOARD MEMBER!!! Any inquiries of cheating will be handled by Tournament Officials and a polygraph provider sourced from the Minnesota Polygraph Association. Polygraph tests may be used to settle any cheating disputes. Person(s) bringing allegations assume all costs for any and all polygraph testing. Person(s) making any cheating allegations agree that their name will be made public. MNKFA also may require winners to take a voice stress test and polygraph to confirm the winner followed all the rules. Person(s) bringing allegations also agree to take a polygraph and voice stress analysis. Person(s) bringing allegations agree to prepay MNKFA for all services needed to perform the investigation. MNKFA can launch and pay for a cheating investigation on its own if we suspect foul play by any tournament entrant.
12. Prizes: Prizes will differ from each event, live and online. Major prizes will be announced prior to each event. An IRS 1099 form to major prize winners where appropriate. You are responsible for any sales tax required to register a kayak you win.
13. Board Member Participation: Board members, employees of sponsors or owners of sponsor companies are eligible to register, sign-up and win any prizes and subject to all the same scrutiny as any other entrant. In other words, if they win honestly, honorably and according to the rules and law, they win and deserve the appropriate gains from their investment (entry cost).
14. Waiver: Submitting the entry form and payment is your agreement to the above rules, regulations, terms and conditions, liability acknowledgement, otherwise the angler is ineligible to participate. You MUST be over 18 years of age and show valid identification at any point before, during or after the event to be officially entered in the event. Minors are eligible to participate only if accompanied 100% of the time during this event by a parent who signs a waiver for the minor, call for details on minor participation, 651-639-1947.
15. Ties: All ties are at the tournament director’s discretion. Ties will be decided by first fish, biggest fish and/or time submitted.
16. Cancellation: If you MUST cancel your signup prior to the tournament: SEE REFUND/CANCELLATION POLICY FOR TOURNAMENTS.
Knowledge of these rules is the responsibility of each contestant. Failure to read these rules or ignorance of them is no excuse.