2024 Ron Strauss. Caught on Zippel Bay. Chunky Northern Pike.

2024 Billy DeBoer Holding A Big Pike. Caught on Bostic Bay.

2023 Ron Strauss. Caught on Bostic Bay. 40 inch Northern Pike.

2023 Loren Pribyl. Caught on Bostic Bay. 40 inch Northern Pike.

2023 Measuring a huge pike caught on Bostic Bay, Lake Of The Woods, MN.

2022 Ron Strauss. Caught on Bostic Bay. Two (2) 40 inch pike on the same day!

2021 Loren Pribyl. Caught on Zippel Bay.
2025 Dates: Thursday April TBD to Monday April TBD, 2025.
Location: Bostic Bay, Lake Of The Woods
Typically the resorts on the south shore of Lake Of The Woods have a good grasp on when the bays will be open and free of ice. We watch the Zippel Bay Resort website in March to monitor when they will hold their BIG PIKE DERBY. Since Zippel Bay is experts on ice conditions. They know when ice will be out, that’s how they schedule their tournament. That’s how we know it is probably safe to schedule a trip to the south shore of LOTW. The Zippel Bay tournament is NOT an MNKFA event, it is a guide we use to gauge ice out on the south shore of LOTW. If you wanted to fish that tournament, go for it.
Where to stay?
It’s up to you to make your own accommodations and be self sufficient. We’ll be contacting some of the resorts and finding costs and options. Make sure you’re on the email list (form above) to get news. From the Twin Cities, it’s a 6 hour drive. My take is that if I’m driving that far, I want to fish at least 3 days, that’s my opinion. I have 2 driving days, with at least 3 days of fishing in between. You’re free to come and go as you please. Fish less or more. Do what fits your schedule and interest level!
For the 2025 BIG PIKE ADVENTURE some of us are staying here:
Linder’s Hideaway Cabins
4173 Basswood Rd. NW
Baudette, MN 56623 (it’s actually behind Cyrus Resort on Bostic Bay)
Phone: 218-634-1570
Email: [email protected]
Website: LindersHideAwayCabins.com
Google maps link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/GKCurHhCiHr7i2Ka7
Contact them and tell them the nights you will be there and that you’re with the MNKFA group.
Lodging in the town of Baudette
There are a few hotels and motels in Baudette. It is a bit of a drive to Bostic Bay, but not horrible. It’s an option.
Other resorts on the south shore of Lake Of The Woods
There are other resorts on the south shore. These are an option. They are easy to find with an online search. It’s up to you to research and select one if you like.
Lake of the Woods borders Canada and pike fishing is open year-round. As the bays start to thaw and ice out, Northern Pike move into the bays to spawn. For the last few years, we’ve travelled to Bostic Bay to fish for pike before the MN fishing season officially opens. The pike fishing action can be OFF THE CHARTS!
Bostic Bay and Bostic Creek are somewhat protected from winds
This helps a little if winds are high. Fishing in the creek can also be a bit more protected. These features make an environment that we can fish from our yaks a bit easier in most weather conditions.
There have been some MONSTERS caught!
You’ll have the opportunity to get your personal best Northern Pike. More importantly, you’ll have the opportunity to have a ton of fun with other kayak anglers.
Kayak fishing for HUGE PIKE is FUN!
It will be an adventure for sure! We won’t know what the weather will be. One year we were out in T-shirts. Another year, snow-covered everything. Prepare for all types of weather. Each year is a different mix of people, that makes it fun!
It’s my favorite event of the year. I HOPE YOU CAN MAKE IT!
The pic below is my best pike from the 2018 LOTW trip.
Ron Strauss, President MNKFA

If you’re not in the MNKFA Facebook Group, join now! There will lots of talk regarding this event.

Landing net for big pike from a kayak
Pike fishing resources
When to use dead bait, how to use it, and what you should use
Top Five Lure Patterns for Pike
Watch the video below to learn what these pros use for early season pike in the far north. These baits are favorites of MNKFA anglers on this trip!